
Displaying xml on web page sort of like a forum/comment post look and feelDisplaying xml on web page sortive like a forum/comments post look and feel

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Ive looked around and i am not sure where to start. It looks like detailview might be the best way to go. But know one gives clear examples. I have a xml file that i want to display on the server side, meaning when a user clicks a button it loads the data that is being posted back. so my xpath would look something like this.

string xpath = string.format("/Categories/Category/Site[name='{0}']/comment[name='{1}']",treeview.selectednode,treeview.selectednode.parent.text);

See i want to display that info (which could be mulitple comments for each element) into a nice format data set i guess. Can someone please help. Thanks!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <Category name="Best Search Engine">
    <Site name ="Google.com">
      <AddComment name="Add Comment"/>
      <comment>Comment number 1.</comment>
      <comment>comment number 2</comment>
    <AddSite name="Add New Site"/>
