
dnt retrive data from table

 Note:-From SELECT to fac_service _tax run query then show the on Toad..but after take the the code then data couldnt retrive from table.
SELECT vch_locn_code, vch_vch_type, vch_vch_#, vch_vch_date,vch_sl_code, tds_applicable_amt vch_date_db,
tds_applicable_amt vch_txn_amt,tds_lower_per tds_per,SERVICE_CODE st, fac_bill_no billno,fac_bill_date billdate, tds_hcess, tds_scess,vch_gl_code,TDS_CODE
FROM fac_service_tax
WHERE service_code=nvl(:ser_type,service_code)
AND vch_locn_code = :locn_code
/*and vch_vch_# not in
(select distinct vch_vch_# from fac_vch_d
where vch_gl_code in(select bank_gl_code from cor_bank_m WHERE bank_book_sts='A')
and vch_locn_code=:locn_code and vch_vch_#=fac_service_tax.vch_vch_# and
vch_vch_date=fac_service_tax.vch_vch_date and vch_vch_type=fac_service_tax.vch_vch_type)*/
AND (vch_vch_date BETWEEN NVL (:from_date, vch_vch_date) AND NVL (:TO_DATE, vch_vch_date) )
and TDS_CODE is not null
ORDER BY vch_vch_#, vch_vch_date
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