
document.getElementById is null or not an object

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Hi Every one

i created dynamic radio button and i add OnClick event on that and i write java script for enable and  disable the button depending upon some status the event is firing from the radio button and i able to check the status when i try to enable or disable the button i am getting the error document.getelementById is null or not an object i will show you the code which is am using
 function RadioEvent(Status,Button)
// var Button1='<%=btnAccept.ClientID %>';
// aler(document.getElementById(Button1).Text);
if(Status=="Request Accepted")
document.getElementById(Button).Enabled = true;
// document.getElementById('btnAccept').disabled=true;

//document.getElementById(Button).disabled = true;
//document.getElementById('btnAccept').Enabled = true;
//document.getElementById(btnDecline).disabled = false;


the above is my java script and i am calling event like this
 MyRadioButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "RadioEvent('" + Status + "','btnDecline');");

please correct me where i am doing mistake

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