
drawing and viewing in C#

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Hello All,
Please suggest me what approach I should follow to solve the following task. I have an aerial image (Like Print screen and paste in MSpaint from google Maps). I have to mark a rerefence point (0,0 cordinate) and small strips with reference to this origin On the image.
I am able to draw a rectangular area and small strips within it, and store this information in an XML file (X, Y coordinates with respect to the reference point).
The Problem is:
1. Which container in C# to use so that I am able to move this picture within the container in all directions by mouse.
2. How To show this two layer information in run time (1. picture 2. Rectangular area from XML file) within that container.
3. How to show third layer of information on this i.e. about the routes , lamp posts etc. when the picture is zoomed out very close.
Please suggest me the approach.