I have executed the following stored procedure (helped by Mr. Jignesh Trivedi)
Create table #temp
(ID int,
Company varchar(25),
Location varchar(25),
Date date,
Count int,
Status varchar(25))
insert into #temp values(1,'TCS','Mumbai','1-1-2010',1,'Clear'),
declare @columnscsv varchar(MAX)
declare @Sumcolumnscsv varchar(MAX)
declare @Sumcolumnscsvho varchar(MAX)
DECLARE @sql varchar(MAX)
Select @columnscsv = COALESCE(@columnscsv + '],[','') + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Clear],[' + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Rejected'
from #temp
group by Date,year(Date)
Select @Sumcolumnscsvho = COALESCE(@Sumcolumnscsvho + '],0) + isnull([','') + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Clear],0) + isnull([' + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Rejected'
from #temp
group by Date,year(Date)
Select @Sumcolumnscsv = COALESCE(@Sumcolumnscsv + ',Sum([','') + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Clear]) as ' + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Clear,Sum([' + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Rejected]) as ' + Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + 'Rejected'
from #temp
group by Date,year(Date)
print 'isnull([' + @Sumcolumnscsvho + '],0) as Total'
SET @sql = '
SELECT Company, Location,Status,sum([' + @Sumcolumnscsv +', isnull([' + @Sumcolumnscsvho + '],0) as Total
select Company,Location, Datename(m,Date) + cast(year(Date) as varchar) + Status as m,Count, Status from #temp
) as A
FOR m IN (' + '[' + @columnscsv + ']' + ')
)AS pivot1 GROUP BY
ROLLUP((Company, Location,Status,' + '[' + @columnscsv + ']' + '))'
--print @sql
I am getting 1 column "Total". Instead of this, I need 2 Total Colums -
1)Total Column name as "ClearTotal". Here I need the Total count of all the clear months.
i.e January2013Clear + march2013Clear
2) Total Colummn name as "RejectedTotal". Here, I need the total count of all rejecyed months.
i.e. January2013Rejected + March2013Rejected.
Please help me out.... Its dam urgent.......
Also, I need the total of these 2 columns - "ClearTotal" and "RejectedTotal".
Please help !!
Thanks a ton in advance.....