
dynamically change chart data at runtime

Nandi Sreekar

Nandi Sreekar


I am using the charts available in "Report Viewer" from the toolbox.

 I created a Local Report chart and bind it to the report viewer with one dataset through the wizard(eg: x-axis : Name and Y-Axis: Salary). 

There is a button control on the form. On click of that, I have to populate the same chart with another dataset programatically(eg: X-Axis : Month and Y-Axis : Revenue).

Even I tried to retrive the parameters, but I am getting the count as 0.

Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameterInfoCollection Param = this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.GetParameters();

Does the GetParameters() and SetParameters() helpful. If yes, please tell me how to do tht ...............




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