I'm trying to make an email and send an embedded picture in the body of the email.
My current code is
[CODE]EmailP.Visible = false;
int senttt = 0;
if (PrintOuts.Count > 0)
StreamReader GetPDFLoc = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "\\Sets.txt");
string PDFLoc = GetPDFLoc.ReadToEnd();
string[] PDFArray = PDFLoc.Split('`');
string PDFLocFound = PDFArray[1];
lblEmailU.Text = PrintOuts[0] + " " + PrintOuts[1] + " " + PrintOuts[2];
for (int Ent = 0; Ent < PrintOuts.Count; Ent++)
if (PrintOuts[Ent] != "Done")
for (int EntT = 0; EntT <= PrintOuts.Count - 1; EntT++)
if (File.Exists(PDFLocFound + "\\" + PrintOuts[EntT] + ".pdf"))
MailMessage Send = new MailMessage();
SmtpClient STMP = new SmtpClient("smtp.live.com");
Send.From = new MailAddress("
[email protected]");
[email protected]");
Send.Subject = "Test Try";
Send.IsBodyHtml = true;
string SigPath = (Application.StartupPath + "\\Signature.jpg");
string Bodyy = "<p>" + txtEmailT.Text + "<p>N<p>";
if (File.Exists(SigPath))
Attachment Signature = new Attachment(SigPath);
Signature.ContentDisposition.Inline = true;
Signature.ContentDisposition.DispositionType = DispositionTypeNames.Inline;
Signature.ContentId = "Sig";
Signature.ContentType.MediaType = "image/jpeg";
Signature.ContentType.Name = Path.GetFileName(SigPath);
lblDeliveryCo.Text = SigPath;
Bodyy = Bodyy + "<p><img src:\"cid:" + Sig.Name + "\">";
Bodyy = Bodyy + "<p>NNN";
System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachT = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(PDFLocFound + "\\" + PrintOuts[EntT] + ".pdf");
STMP.Port = 587;
STMP.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(WORKING EMAIL, WORKING PASSWORD);
STMP.EnableSsl = true;
PrintOuts[EntT] = "Done";
lblPhoneU.Text = Bodyy;
senttt = senttt + 1;
WORKING EMAIL and WORKING PASSWORD are my email and password for testing, I just renamed it so I'm not giving you all my e-mail and password. All of this works until I embed the image into my e-mail. I've also tried a variation of it following the alternateview HTMLview = new alternateview(); logic, and adding the image, then cid: referencing it's contentID the same way I do here. Neither work.
If I don't embed the picture cid load a blank box, but sends the e-mail. If I don't cid the picture, but load up the attach the picture, it gives me an error. I've tried changing the picture, it still gives me an error - the PDF file load up properly, however. Right now, I think I know how to embed the picture on my own, I just need help actually getting it in the e-mail as an inline attachment or regular attachment. I am using hotmail.