i try to insert to table data but an error Occurs ,,,,,my table name is "class time"
int class_maxid = 17;
int starttime = 95;
int endtime = 200;
string courseday = "saturday";
//insert to the clas table the values
SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO class time(class_id,start_from,end_to,day)Values(@cls_id,@s_from,@e_to,@d)", cn1);
cmd5.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cls_id", class_maxid);
cmd5.Parameters.AddWithValue("@s_from", starttime);
cmd5.Parameters.AddWithValue("@e_to", endtime);
cmd5.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d", courseday);
the error is "Incorrect syntax near 'time'."