error in reading datetime value from excel to datatable
rollno formno citycode firstname lastname fathername gender dob centrecode examdate
53303 1 9 abc xyz pqr m 12/13/1995 9003 07/07/2013
the above data is in excel file.
while (RowIndex <= ShtRange.Rows.Count)
ColIndex = 0;
ColFrom = ColFrm;
if (RowIndex > 1)
while (ColFrom <= ColTo)
if ((ShtRange.Cells[RowIndex, ColFrom] as Excel.Range).Value2 != null)
dtExcel.Rows[dtExcel.Rows.Count - 1][ColIndex] = (ShtRange.Cells[RowIndex, ColFrom] as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); //error occures here
dtexcel is datatable
when starting reading value from excel file, then value till gender are inserted into datatable but when it reads dob then error occurs that "string was not recognized as valid datetime. couldnot store <35046> in dob column. Expected type is date time.
plz note dob column in dtexcel is of datetime
what is the error in above code? what is couldnot store <35046> in dob column error? from where this value is coming.