
Error in using Word in ASP.NET

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surendra 0

surendra 0

Hi All: I am facing problem in using Word in a ASP.NET project. I added a reference from COM and i got Interope.Word.dll bin directory. I am getting error when i created an Object like: Word.ApplicationClass WordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); but still i am getting positive results when i am using: WordApp.CheckSpelling() Method but i am facing problem with the following line of code: WordApp.GetSpellingSuggestions(). In most of the literature i found people are passing only one arguement to above method, but it demands 14 arguments. Even though i am passing 14 arguements. It is giving error like "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Too many or too few arguments". Please give a way out or some suggestions to resolve the issue. Thanks inadvance Regards Surendra

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