My problem is :
I would like to execute a client-side VbScript code by clicking on a button in a GridView.
This VbScript code displays a molecule file in a molecules Viewer at the client's side.
I have a GridView which displays the molecules and a button on each row.
By clicking on a button I would like to display the molecule of the chosen row in the molecules Viewer by executing the Vbscript code.
Could you help me ?
Here is my code which doesn't compile :
window.resizeto 310,700
window.moveto 25,25
' Create an instance of the event sink.
Set snk = CreateObject( "Tripos.DynamicEventSink" )
snk.MoleculeAdd = GetRef( "OnMoleculeAdd" )
snk.MoleculeRemove = GetRef( "OnMoleculeRemove" )
' Now hook up the event sink with the event source.
Set app = CreateObject( "Lithium.Application.1" )
Set mdl = app.ActiveModel
Call snk.Advise(mdl)
app.Visible= True
' point to files in my local installation
filename = "C:\Bench3DExplorer\20080226\Http\Web_Interaction2\" + filename2
Call mdl.ImportFile(fileName)
Call mdl.Views(1).UpdateChanges
</ script >
< asp : gridview id ="GridView2" AutoGenerateColumns = "false" runat ="server" datasourceid ="ObjectDataSource1" AllowPaging ="True" AllowSorting ="True" DataKeyNames ="Name" onrowcommand ="GridView2_RowCommand" onrowcreated ="GridView2_RowCreated">
< Columns >
< asp : BoundField DataField ="Pdb" HeaderText ="Pdb" InsertVisible ="False" ReadOnly ="True" SortExpression ="Pdb" />
< asp : buttonfield buttontype ="Image" ImageUrl ="~/B3d/green.jpg" commandname ="B3DDisplayMol" onclick ="LoadMolecule( <%= Pdb %> ) />
</ Columns >
Thank you very much for your answers.