
extract date part only from a English sentence

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How to extract date part only from a English sentence.
Some scenario

Is there is any holiday on 19-02-2012
Is there is any holiday on 19/02/2012
Is there is any holiday on 19.02.2012
Is there is any holiday on 2012/02/19
Is there is any holiday on 02-19-2012
Is there is any holiday on 19th feb 2017
Is There is any holiday on 19th-feb-2017
Is There is any holiday on Feb 19 2017
Is There is any holiday on 19th/feb/2017
Is There is any holiday on 19 Feb
Is There is any holiday on Feb 19

For these all sentences expected output should be in Date format
Day - 19
Month - 02
Year -2017

Answers (4)