Field Validators and Post backs
I have a form which is mainly standard controls and an asp:table which I build in code
It all works fine until I start using field validators
Once I do on clicking my Save button, it performs the validation and shows the validationsummary - BUT this also involves a Post back - so the asp:table is wiped out.
Here is my Save button
<asp:ImageButton ID="BtnClientSave" runat="server" ValidationGroup="Servicegrp" ImageUrl="~/Images/Save.png"
OnClientClick="return BtnSaveClick()" OnClick="BtnClientSaveClick" Style="display: none" />
and my validation summary
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="valSummary" runat="server" DisplayMode="BulletList" ShowSummary="true"
ShowMessageBox="false" HeaderText="" ValidationGroup="Servicegrp" />
An example range validator
<asp:RangeValidator ID="rgeCurrentlyUnemployed" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please Select an Unemployment Status"
Text="*" ControlToValidate="ddlCurrentlyUnemployed" MaximumValue="999999" MinimumValue="1"
and my table
<asp:Table ID="QuestionTable" runat="server">