First problem GUI fixed just some math problems
Well the titles says everything =)
I believe my math is wrong a little( maybe its not , could you test and see if its correct), and I want to round the numbers to 2 decimals places.
THat's the problem:
Create a GUI application that calculates and displays the total travel expenses of a business person on a trip. Here is the information that the user must provide:
• Number of days on the trip
• Amount of airfare, if any
•Amount of car rental fees, if any
• Number of miles driven, if a private vehicle was used
• Amount of parking fees, if any
• Amount of taxi charges, if any
• Conference or seminar registration fees, if any
Lodging charges, per night The company reimburses travel expenses according to the following policy:
• $37 per day for meals
• Parking fees, up to $10.00 per day
• Taxi charges up to $20.00 per day
• Lodging charges up to $95.00 per day
• If a private vehicle is used, $0.27 per mile driven
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
* @author Alexander
public class Expenses extends JFrame {
private final int WIDTH = 500;
private final int HEIGHT = 500;
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
private JLabel numberOfDaysLabel;
private JLabel amountAirfareLabel;
private JLabel amontRentalFeeLabel;
private JLabel numberMilesLabel;
private JLabel parkingFeeLabel;
private JLabel taxiFeeLabel;
private JLabel seminarFeeLabel;
private JLabel lodgingFeeLabel;
private JTextField daysField;
private JTextField amountAirfareField;
private JTextField rentalFeeField;
private JTextField milesDrivenField;
private JTextField parkingFeeField;
private JTextField taxiFeeField;
private JTextField smeinarFeeField;
private JTextField lodgingFeeField;
private JButton calculateButton;
public Expenses() {
setTitle("Travel Expenses");
private void buildPanel() {
numberOfDaysLabel = new JLabel("Number of days on the trip: ");
daysField = new JTextField(10);
amountAirfareLabel = new JLabel("Amount of airfare: ");
amountAirfareField = new JTextField(10);
amontRentalFeeLabel = new JLabel("Amount of car rental fee: ");
rentalFeeField = new JTextField(10);
numberMilesLabel = new JLabel("Number of miles driven: ");
milesDrivenField = new JTextField(10);
parkingFeeLabel = new JLabel("Amount of parking fees: ");
parkingFeeField = new JTextField(10);
taxiFeeLabel = new JLabel("Taxi charges: ");
taxiFeeField = new JTextField(10);
seminarFeeLabel = new JLabel("Conference or seminar registration fees: ");
smeinarFeeField = new JTextField(10);
lodgingFeeLabel = new JLabel("Lodging charges, per night");
lodgingFeeField = new JTextField(10);
calculateButton = new JButton("Calculate");
calculateButton.addActionListener(new buttonListener());
panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(9, 2, 5, 10));
public class buttonListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String stringDay, stringAirfare, stringCarRental, stringMilesDriven, stringParkingFee, stringTaxiCharges, stringSeminarFee, stringLodgingFee;
double totalAllowed, totalOwe, totalSaved, totalExpenses, numberDays, AirFare, CarRental, MilesDriven, ParkingFee, TaxiCharges, seminarFee, lodgingFee;
final double dayMeal = 37.00;
final double parkingFee = 10.00;
final double taxiFee = 20.00;
final double lodgingCharge = 95.00;
final double rentCar = 0.27;
double totalMilesDriven;
stringDay = daysField.getText();
numberDays = Double.parseDouble(stringDay);
stringAirfare = amountAirfareField.getText();
AirFare = Double.parseDouble(stringAirfare);
stringCarRental = rentalFeeField.getText();
CarRental = Double.parseDouble(stringCarRental);
stringMilesDriven = milesDrivenField.getText();
MilesDriven = Double.parseDouble(stringMilesDriven);
stringParkingFee = parkingFeeField.getText();
ParkingFee = Double.parseDouble(stringParkingFee);
stringTaxiCharges = taxiFeeField.getText();
TaxiCharges = Double.parseDouble(stringTaxiCharges);
stringSeminarFee = smeinarFeeField.getText();
seminarFee = Double.parseDouble(stringSeminarFee);
stringLodgingFee = lodgingFeeField.getText();
lodgingFee = Double.parseDouble(stringLodgingFee);
totalMilesDriven = MilesDriven * rentCar;
totalExpenses = AirFare * CarRental * MilesDriven * ParkingFee * TaxiCharges * seminarFee * lodgingFee;
totalAllowed = numberDays * dayMeal * parkingFee * taxiFee * lodgingCharge * rentCar * totalMilesDriven;
if (totalExpenses > totalAllowed) {
totalOwe = totalExpenses - totalAllowed;
} else {
totalOwe = 0;
if (totalAllowed > totalExpenses) {
totalSaved = totalAllowed - totalExpenses;
} else {
totalSaved = 0;
System.out.println("The total expenses for the trip are " + totalExpenses
+ " \nThe total allowed to spend is " + totalAllowed + "\nThe total you owe is "
+ totalOwe + "\nTotal saved is " + totalSaved);