fliter searching in dataset with highlighting searching item
in this code this line is not working
return ("<span class=highlight>" + m.Value + "</span>");
suppose m="Delhi"
output screen it is print as "<span class=highlight>Delhi</span>
public string HighlightText(string InputTxt)
string Search_Str = FilterSearchTerms.Text;
// Setup the regular expression and add the Or operator.
Regex RegExp = new Regex(Search_Str.Replace(" ", "|").Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Highlight keywords by calling the
//delegate each time a keyword is found.
return RegExp.Replace(InputTxt, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceKeyWords));
public string ReplaceKeyWords(Match m)
// return ( m.Value);
return ("<span class=highlight>" + m.Value + "</span>");