
Form Display Order



Hi. I have a problem that is making me crazy. I am trying to display a series of 3 Windows forms. I have a main form which displays a bitmap background and a menu. Once I select a particular menu item, I wish to display Form1. No problem so far. I would like to hide Form1 temporarily and display a custom confirmation box that uses the main form as a background. The problem is that if any other application window is open like the debugger or explorer, the confirmation box is shown on that application rather than on my main form. I have tried moving where I call Form1.Visible to show the form before I call the new one and .SendToBack, and .BringToFront to no avail. Does anyone know a that I can manipulate the z-order? Thank you in advance!!!!! Code example: CBCMsgBox oCBCMsgBox = new CBCMsgBox("Confirmation","Are You Sure You Want To Continue?", "Yes",DialogResult.Yes, "No", DialogResult.No); // this.Visible = false, tried here as well as this.Parent.Visible and .SendToBack and .BringToFront DialogResult dr = oCBCMsgBox.ShowDialog(); //this.Visible = false; // tried here as well if (DialogResult.Yes == dr) { // Show Form2 }
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