Get Sum - From Thousand seperated values SSRS
Hi ,
I have report in ssrs. I have fields which mention last year sales,this year sales in dollers as well as in percentage. Now I get the record from SP as thousand seperated values like following :
REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY,ROUND(sum(A.TY_SalesDollars),0)),1), '.00','')as TY_Sales,
REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY,ROUND(sum(A.LY_SalesDollars),0)),1), '.00','')as LY_Sales
I get values in fields with thousand seperator. Now I want to get SUM of this column in SSRS. When i use
SUM(Fields!TY_Sales.Value) I got below error in Total field -- > '#Error'
Can anyone give me idea to resolve this? Thanks in advance