select b.RegNo,
isnull(a.BalTaxAmount,0) + isnull(a.BalPenalty,0) + isnull(a.BalNoticeFee,0) DueAmount,
isnull(a.BalInterest,0) InterestAmt,
datediff (day, DueDate ,getdate()) duedays,
b.autoid IDtblPTForm3
from tblPTForm3Balance a, tblPTForm3 b
where a.IDtblPTForm3 = b.AutoID
and a.LocationID = <LOcationID>
and a.YearID = <YearID>
and (isnull(a.BalTaxAmount,0) + isnull(a.BalPenalty,0) + isnull(a.BalInterest,0) + isnull(a.BalNoticeFee,0)) > 0
and convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),a.DueDate + <days>,101)) <= convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),getdate(),101))
i want to get the values of <days> from textbox and <location ID> and <yearId> from dropdownlist.
to execute this query and bind data in a can i do this.
please provide me code by example..
thank you