
Get user control from existing .net application




Ok, I thought this was crazy at first, but I have found stuff on the internet and I can take a user control compiled in a dll and have it show up on a webpage.  That was great but what I really need to do is take a control from my exisiting application (complied as exe) and have it show up on a webpage.  I was thinking about trying to put some public GetControl method but then I wasn't sure how I could actually call it from another dll or from my webpage directly.

So if I am going the wrong way all together the please let me know.  I am up for anything.  My story is, I have a control which is in my main application (but not compilied on its own dll) which I would like to "shadow" onto a webpage.  This control re-paints every few times a second to appear like a moving graph; which I would need to look the same over the webpage.  The other thing I notice with just putting an object node in my htm page is it instainates a new user control on load.  I would need the usercontrol to be the same one of my applications because there is a lot of data getting happening which I wouldn't want to re-implement.

My application also uses spring to build the application.  I started to do some research and I think spring might be able to help me with this problem too but I am not knowledgable in spring.

Please help or give any suggestions.
