getting error the server tag is not wellformed <asp: sqldata
I am getting above error in design view. When in source view it is same except
Parser Error Message - The server tag is not well formed.
Source Error:
Line 31: </table>
Line 32: <div>
Line 33: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="sourceEmployees" runat="server" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" ConnectionString="Data Source=localhost; user id=sa; integrated security=true; initial catalog=fshndb"
Line 34: SelectCommand="select l.emri_lendes as Lenda,v.nota AS Nota, v.permiresim as Permiresim,s.emri as Emri,s.mbiemer as Mbiemri"
Line 35: +"from lenda as l inner join vleresimi as v on l.lenda_id=v.lenda_id inner join student as s on v.student_email=s.student_email"
Source File: /SecurePages/default.aspx Line: 33
Every thing is fine when I execute on development machine in local mode, but when I place code on server and execute, then error. Following is the Source for the gridview followed by the referenced sqlServerdataSource . Appreciate any help.
thanks in advance