I am just getting started (absolute beginner) as I need to learn a language for a little private project of my own, not a student (far too old) help with assignment or anything like that. I have looked around at free books videos etc and its OK but the one thing in common is that the materials tend to gloss over a lot and get you to copy code without really knowing whats going on, so you see the results of "your" work but still left confused.
I started a book C# Step by Step and it is explaining things quite nicely but there are still a few things that are not fully explained or glossed over. I don't really want to get well into the book with more and more questions going around in my head. So I would just like to check my understanding of whats going on and clarify 1 point in particular.
Its a simple simple program and I have added comments under the first method so I think I understand the flow and whats going on..
The code is::
#region Using directives
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace DailyRate
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
(new Program()).run();
public void run()
double dailyRate = readDouble("Enter your daily rate: ");
// Declares int dailyRate
// Assigns to METHOD readDouble ((which is text above)
// On execution goes to readDouble Method
int noOfdays = readInt("Enter the number of days: ");
writeFee(calculateFee(dailyRate, noOfdays));
private void writeFee(double p)
Console.WriteLine("The consultant's fee is {0}", p * 1.1);
private double calculateFee(double dailyRate, int noOfdays)
return dailyRate * noOfdays;
private int readInt(string p)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
return int.Parse(line);
private double readDouble(string p)
// Writes readDouble or p to Console
// i.e Enter your daily rate
string line = Console.ReadLine();
// this reads response to question
return double.Parse(line);
// this parses from string to double
// returns result to dailyRate and sets value
My query is around variable p
declared an int double dailyRate = readDouble("Enter your daily rate: ");
Being a novice I thought this was set to enter etc
But looking at the Method is looks like the value it brackets is assigned p rather than the text, it is also the same for others and it also quotes string p in intellisense.
Is this the case?
Is this always the case if I name a method()
The book mentions variable p but doesn't explain where it is so its the only thing I can think of.
My apologies if this is too basic and I seem thick (which could be true) but I just like to know what is really going on.
Thanks for reading it and if you have taken the time to respond.
No doubt the first of many.