
Google's new libKML library... How to use in C# app?

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Hey there.

I started programming in the .Net era... so I'm a little lost when it comes to C++. Google has just released the new LibKML library (http://code.google.com/p/libkml/), however the library is in C++, and it's not compiled.

All I can see are a whole lot of .cc and .h files, and I have no clue how to either compile this app to use as a dll, or wrap inside something that I can use.

I've been playing around with python and SCons all day, but can't get it to work... there doesn't seem to be an idiots guide to using these tools.

The blog's user guide says the following:

Building and installing libkml

To build and install libkml from source you first need to install SCons version 0.97.

For many people, building libkml from source will be as simple as typing:


Use the PREFIX argument as follows to install libkml in a location other than the default:

scons PREFIX=/your/root install

You may also use LIBDIR and INCDIR to specify completely separate lib and include directories."

I think this would benefit a LOT of developers out there... any ideas?