I have a six textbox and 1 gridview where user can enter detail.(Not the Editable gridview).
User can enter directly in Gridview
Whenever user submits, it should be inserted into SQL(All the textbox entry and Gridview entry).
Below is my gridview
Point ID*Height*Size*Weight
So the first column should be autoincremented(Gridview row should also be incremented).
once user submits, I need to get a RequestID for each request(Which is Datetimeformat)
I have done with all the textboxs and got the requestID as I dont know how to do it in Gridview.
Whenever user submits, requestID should be unique for six textbox values and gridview entry.
Ex: If user enters PointID 2 row in the above gridview, requestID must be same but in SQL, Height, size,Weight should be added as a second value.
Hope am not confusing.