
Handle multiple clients with threads

anushka thialkarathne

anushka thialkarathne

Jul 6 2007 5:20 AM
Hi all c# expers. Im developing a client server application.when the clients are connected to the server , i want them to be handled  separately by server. I have the client connected() ,isdatareceived (), & other functions that perform file uploading for the client. I want to create threads when a client is connected to the server. and separately handle it. when a client is connected to the server, the server will check it's IP address & send update file by selecting it from a database.( IP is the primary key). server will take some other actions depending on the messages received from the clients olso.( updating databses, sending infomations). I m calling these methods in the isdatareceived (). the server is working perfectly , but it works only for single client at the moment.

how shold I create threads & whare should I create them. give me an example of creating multiple threads for connected clients.

Thank you.

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