Help for creating a generic method for CustomBodyWrier inherited from BodyWriter
I have created an application to send data from WCF server application to my client side application. For this I have added a custom serialization instead of the default serialization. And now its sending data to the client as stream and I am able to de-serialize the object back in client application. But now my function only work for specific type. For instance if I am returning Class of type Customer its serializing and de-serializing based on the class I am specifying. I need to write a generic class which will accept any type of object for serialization and de-serialization. How can I do this?
Following is the piece of code that I want to generalize.
public class CustomBodyWriter : BodyWriter
private IEnumerable<List<Customer>> Customers;
public CustomBodyWriter(IEnumerable<List<Customer>> customers)
: base(false) // False should be passed here to avoid buffering the message
this.Customers = customers;
protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter writer)
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Customer>));
foreach (List<Customer> customer in Customers)
serializer.Serialize(writer, part);
public IEnumerable<List<Customer>> GetAllCustomersImpl()
TestStreamingBL TestStreamingBL = new TestStreamingBL();
List<Customer> list = new List<Customer>();
int count = 1;
foreach (Customer customer in TestStreamingBL.GetAllCustomers())
if (count == 100)
count = 1;
yield return list;
yield break;
In above code when ever the "yield return list" execute OnWriteBodyContents will get called
Any idea???