Help Regarding insert Data to excel from sqlserver using storedprocedure
Hi all,
I want (webApplication) to Insert data from SqlServer (using StoredProcedure) to Excel.
I have One Excel File AdhocCostsMay2012.xls.
That Excel(AdhocCostsMay2012.xls) File have SalesArea,STPNo,SABSiteName,NationalGroup,GroupStore,PrivateIncVAT,Region Columns.Totaly 546 Rows Available.All Columns have values.But PrivateIncVAT Column does not have values. I want to pull PrivateIncVAT Column values from SqlServer using StoredProcedure(Note-I Attached that Excel (AdhocCostsMay2012.xls) File)
And I am using one storedProcedure name as sp_AdochCostSABCostperOutletBySTPNo
(Note-I Attached that storedProcedure(sp_AdochCostSABCostperOutletBySTPNo).
In my stored procedure have 602 Columns varies each month.
Finally i want pull values from stored procedure and fill that PrivateIncVAT column.
and also i attached while executing stored procedure values.
Thanks & Regards,