This is the homework question....
For all elements in the List letterGrades a. If the element at index i is equal to grade, then increment noOfGrades by 1. This comparison should happen regardless of case, i.e., for p/P/f/F.
This is what i have so far..../*
* Calculate letter grades as P for Pass and F for Fail based on the marks obtained.
* Find the number of instances with the given grades.
namespace Ex1
public partial class LetterGrade : Form
// Initialize string List
public List<string> letterGrades = new List<string>();
public LetterGrade()
private void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
double marks = double.Parse(marksTextbox.Text); //Declare variable marks and set
// If statements for marks
if (marks>0 && marks<=60)
else if (marks>60 && marks<=100)
MessageBox.Show("Not a valid marks");
private void calculateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string grade = letterGradeTextbox.Text; // initialize string grade
int noOfGrades = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < letterGrades.Count; i++)
if (grade == "P" || grade == "p") //Problem here, step 7a...could not initialize using [i]..tried using a workaround but it keeps total count..
else if (grade == "F" || grade == "f")
MessageBox.Show("Number of instances with given letter grade is: " + noOfGrades);
I have no clue how to proceed any one that can point me int he right direction?