I am new to asp.net....I am trying to develop an online exam practice website for entrance exam in asp.net with c#. I am done with the database design, login page, registration page and admin's operation such as insert, update and delete records through gridview. Now I want to develop main exam page in which user select the exam from the dropdown list and will be directed to that exam page and after giving exam result will be displayed.
I don't know to select random questions with answer options from database and display them on the exam page...and all the exam related information should display on the result page...
Please provide me some sample code so that I should get some Idea how to implement whatever I have thought .
Here is my table design:
1) Exam Table 2) Question Table 3) Result Table
Id QId RId
ExamName Section ExamName
No.OfQues OptionA No.OfCorrectAns
TotalMarks OptionB No.OfWrongAns
TotalTime OptionC MarksObtained
ExamDate OptionD No.OfAttemptQues
QId CorrectAns No.OfSkipQues