
How can i Mail and Fax Crystal Report in the PDF Format.

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Hi Evryone,

I'm exporting the Crystal report to pdf file using Export, in a windows based application.

But, Now I've to mail and fax that pdf file.

I used the following code for mailing:

Dim rpt As ReportDocument = New ReportDocument

Dim crrpt As ExportOptions = New ExportOptions

Dim dstopt As New MicrosoftMailDestinationOptions

Dim frmtopt As New PdfRtfWordFormatOptions

dstopt.MailToList = "To Address here"

dstopt.MailSubject = "Mail Subject here"

dstopt.MailMessage = "Main Message here"

crrpt.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.MicrosoftMail

crrpt.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat

crrpt.ExportDestinationOptions = dstopt

crrpt.ExportFormatOptions = frmtopt



But it gives me error at last line as:

"Invalid export options."

And How can i fax it.

Plz, anyone can help me.


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