
How can i make dynamically sliding menu

Ekrem Tapan

Ekrem Tapan

8 years ago
hello every one, 
how can i make dynamically sliding menu like that below link
and my schema like that this
Create table tblMenu
Id int primary key identity,
MenuText nvarchar(30),
ParentId int foreign key references tblMenu(Id),
Active bit
Insert into tblMenu values('USA', NULL, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('India', NULL, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('UK', NULL, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('Australia', NULL, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('Virginia', 1, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('Maryland', 1, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('AP', 2, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('MP', 2, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('Karnataka', 2, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('Bangalore', 9, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('Mangalore', 9, 1)
Insert into tblMenu values('Mysore', 9, 0)

Answers (3)