
How can I transform this IMPLICIT query into EXPLICIT query?

Syed Arbab Ahmed

Syed Arbab Ahmed


Transforming the following IMPLICIT query into EXPLICIT query?

Select A1.Account_type,A1.Title, A2.Channel_id,A2.Account_type

from Tblaccount A1, Tblcustchannelacct A2

where A1.Account_type = A2.Account_type;

How can I transform the above IMPLICIT query into EXPLICIT query? The above query is working fine; I transformed the above query into EXPLICIT query as

Select A1.Account_type,A1.Title, A2.Channel_id,A2.Account_type

from Tblaccount A1, Tblcustchannelacct A2

INNER JOIN Account_type

on A1.Account_type = A2.Account_type;

this query is giving error of 'Table or View does not exist'. Can you guide me with this?

Thanks in advance

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