
How can we get text box value which is built in gridview

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hello guys how r u ?

Q: my Question is that , how can i get the value of text box which i built in gridview through the item template field?

i was try like this but i did not get the value

                <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" BackColor="#CCCCCC" 
                    BorderColor="#999999" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="3px" CellPadding="4" 
                    CellSpacing="2" ForeColor="Black" ShowFooter="True">
                    <RowStyle BackColor="White" />
                        <asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False">
                                <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" 
                                    CommandName="Select" Text="Select"></asp:LinkButton>
                        <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Answer">
                                <asp:LinkButton ID="lbnSubmit" runat="server" onclick="lbnSubmit_Click">Submit</asp:LinkButton>
                            <ItemTemplate >
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtAnswer" runat="server">Answer</asp:TextBox>
                    <FooterStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC" />
                    <PagerStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC" ForeColor="Black" HorizontalAlign="Left" />
                    <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#000099" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
                    <HeaderStyle BackColor="Black" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />

        string data;
    protected void lbnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        foreach (GridViewRow gvr in GridView1.Rows)
            data = gvr.Cells[1].Text;

reply soon please its urgent...

Answers (2)