How do i get an attachment from axis to net client?
i can't figure this out...
i have a small web service in axis 1.1 which returns a file:
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;
public class AttachmentHandler {
public DataHandler GetAttachment(String isFileName)
String sFileName=isFileName;
DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(sFileName));
return dh;
it works in a java client off course, and on vb6 with soap toolkit 3.0 client.
now i've stumbled upon the "DataHandler being exposed in the wsdl" and i solved it by simply creating a wsdl from a function in vb with the same signature as the one in java, (i've used the wizard in the toolkit) i them compared both wsdl and by trial and error i found out i needed to switch between apach:DataHandler type in the wsdl with the UnknownBinaryContent Type (i copied and pasted the whole thing and created a static wsdl file for the Java web Service so vb client can consume it.
this works.
problem is, i can't do the same with DOTNET client, if i tell it to consume the modified wsd file it creates to proxy classes
and AttachmentHandlerServiceWSE
if i try to use the first i get an exception in the invoke method saying:
System.InvalidOperationException: Client found response content type of 'multipart/related; type=\"text/xml\"; start=\"<16D767B35F8E70F81BCBE1E03AF9314A>\"; \tboundary=\"----=_Part_3_8355938.1107376652875\"', but expected 'text/xml'.
if i use AttachmentHandlerServiceWSE i simply get a SystemError exception