How do I set a negative number to index of array in C# ?
Hello everybody,
I'm newbie in C#, and I've been doing algorithm about Shell Sort in C#.
This is my code
static void shellSort(int[] group, int[] h)
int step, i, j, x, len, n, k;
n = group.Length;
k = h.Length;
for (step = 0; step < k; step++)
len = h[step];
for (i = len; i < n; i++)
x = group[i];
j = i - len;
while ((x < group[j]) && (j >= 0)) // <--- Error here "Make sure the index is not a ngative number"
group[j + len] = group[j];
j = j - len;
group[j + len] = x;
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] group, h;
group = new int[8]{6, 7, 15, 8, 18, 25, 4, 0}
h = new int[3] { 5, 3, 1};
I did it follow this code that make from C:
void ShellSort(int a[], int N, int h[], int k)
int step,i,j,x,len;
for (step = 0 ; step <k; step ++)
len = h[step];
for (i = len; i <N; i++)
x = a[i];
j = i-len;
while ((x<a[j])&&(j>=0))
a[j+len] = a[j];
j = j - len;
a[j+len] = x;
In C, this code have processed successfull. But in C#, i've got a error: "Make sure the index is not a ngative number" at while ((x < group[j]) && (j >= 0)) . But, I didn't repair it.
How could i repair it ? :(
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.