How do you draw a line on a canvas in WPF that is 1 pixel thick?
How do you draw a line on a canvas in WPF that is 1 pixel thick?
This is the method I am using for drawing a line on a canvas in WPF that uses the line class set to 1 pixel thick but it actually draws a line that is two pixels thick:
Line myLine = new Line();
myLine.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black;
myLine.X1 = 100;
myLine.X2 = 140;
myLine.Y1 = 200;
myLine.Y2 = 200;
myLine.StrokeThickness = 1;
Microsoft might have decided to set a standard for line thickness and the minimum is 2 pixels thick when you set the strockThickness to 1, but when you already have rectangles drawn in XAML and even error fonts using WingDings, it is an obvious miss-match. How do you draw a line that is truly 1 pixel thick?