how to add date part query in design page code
date part using query
1st query
select Name,DOB = case datepart(year,dob) when '1900' then ''else CONVERT(varchar, DOB, 103) end,Mobileno as Mobile_Number,Wedding = case datepart(year,Weddingday) when '1900' then '' else CONVERT(varchar, Weddingday, 103) end,EMail as E_Mail from BirthDayWish where Active = 'A' ORDER BY Name
i written this query it is working fine.
in the design page i write query as follows;
Sql = "select Name,CONVERT(varchar, DOB, 103) AS Date_of_birth,Mobileno as Mobile_Number,CONVERT(varchar, Weddingday, 103) AS Wedding_Day,EMail as E_Mail from BirthDayWish where Active = 'A' ORDER BY Name";
from the above 1st query how to add the datepart query in the 2nd sql query.
2nd query refers to want to written in staff.aspx.cs page.