i inserted all the record in the database.
database type as
DOB datetime
Wedding day datetime
i have one button view.when i click that button all record should be displayed in the Grid View.
Grid view Button code as follows;
sql ="select Name,DOB,Mobileno,Weddingday,Email from BIrthDayWish where Active ='A' ORDER BY Name";
Dr = SCon.ReadSql(Sql);
GridView1.DataSource = Dr;
GridView1.Visible = true;
output in Grid View as follows
Name DOB Mobile no Wedding day Email
but i want the output in grid view related to DOB and Wedding day date to be shown as
Name DOB Mobile no Wedding day Email
Not needed a
DOB Wedding Day
12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM
sql ="select Name,DOB,Mobileno,Weddingday,Email from BIrthDayWish where Active ='A'
from my above query how to correct the query and get the output as follows
Name DOB Mobile no Wedding day Email