
How to add the DB Views to MVC4?

Sneha Dhandapani

Sneha Dhandapani

Hai  i used Code First approach and viewmodel to insert data into Multiple tabels. Now i want to show all data  in INDEX Page for update process. So i create one view in Db ad wrote inner join query in that . Now I have to connect that view which is created in DB to vs express for web. then only i create INDEX VIEW  i can give this Db VIEW as Model class . so that i can easily display all data from  multiple tables . Now my pblm is  created the view in my DB and i connect that view in vb express as edmx file.  edmx file ->right click-> update Model from DB and select that view but it not showing . how to connect the DB View in Vs express for Index action.?
Advance Thanks.. 

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