Hi All,
I have one user control which has 2 gridview first grid
has columns (GroupName, Description, chkRemove checkbox) another
gridview has columns (GroupName, Description, chkAdd), apart from that i
dont have any code on .cs file of usercontrol.
I want to call
same user control on 4 aspx pages and datagrid binding, sorting, paging
and search functionality i want to do on respective aspx.cs pages not on
user control where i am calling this uercontrol because for every aspx
page field name is same but when i am binding the data to the grid that
logic is different.
For first aspx page i called my usercontrol like this and everything is working fine: -
<asp:View ID="vManageGroups" EnableTheming="true" EnableViewState="true" runat="server">
<ajax:TabContainer runat = "server">
<ajax:TabPanel HeaderText="Default Role Groups" ID="tpRoleGroups" runat="server">
Default Role Groups
<Level3Groups:GroupSelector ID="gsAU3Groups" runat="server" OnGroupRebind="gsAU3GroupRebind"
OnGroupAdded="gsAU3GroupAdded" OnGroupRemoved="gsAU3GroupRemoved" OnGroupSort="gsAU3GroupSort" />
and on user control i have created delegate and event.
public delegate void GroupAction(object sender, EventArgs e, string groupName);
public event GroupAction GroupAdded;
public event GroupAction GroupRemoved;
public delegate void GridViewPaging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e, string groupName);
public event GridViewPaging GroupRebind;
public delegate void GridViewSort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e);
public event GridViewSort GroupSort;
then in user control for chkAdd checkbox i have added this code and after that i did all my
coding on aspx.cs page and it is working fine.
protected void chkAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBox chkAdd = (CheckBox)sender;
GridViewRow viewRow = (GridViewRow)chkAdd.Parent.Parent;
HiddenField hfAddName = (HiddenField)viewRow.FindControl("hfaddName");
string groupAddName = hfAddName.Value;
GroupAdded(sender, e, groupAddName);
and Aspx.cs
protected void gsAU3GroupAdded(object sender, EventArgs e, string groupName)
// My code here
Same type of thing i did for ChkRemove_Click and paging and sorting.
Now problem is i want to call this usercontrol on second aspx page then how to handle
that page's logic inside the chkadd_click event on usercontrol.ascx.cs.
I want any if like condition, if this page is clicked then go on this event like this
let me know if you need any other information. Any help is appreciated.