I added TaxCloud Webservice reference in my project and trying to access Lookup function.
Address of Webservice : https://api.taxcloud.net/1.0/Taxcloud/
By using following service we will TaxRate for the selected address. I am passing values as below
Dim TaxCloudService As New TaxServiceReference.TaxCloudSoapClient
Dim Address As New Goldcrm.BillingAdvisor.TaxServiceReference.Address
Address.Address1 = "1666 6th Street"
Address.City = "Boulder"
Address.State = "CO"
Address.Zip4 = 80302
TaxCloudService.LookupAsync("370D0480", "81C1F6F1-E3EF-41FD-95CD-AFF50740F6D2", "", "", Nothing, Address, Nothing, False, Nothing, Nothing)
I am able to access and run Webservice but on completed event I am getting following error message
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'https://api.taxcloud.net/1.0/TaxCloud.asmx'.
This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services.
You may need to contact the owner of the service to publish a cross-domain policy file and to ensure it allows SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent.
This error may also be caused by using internal types in the web service proxy without using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<allow-from http-request-headers="*">
<domain uri="http://*"/>
<domain uri="https://*"/>
<resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/>