
How to Crawl and Search File System in SharePoint 2010 Search

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sreenu kolusu

sreenu kolusu

Senario: i have created on Shared Folder in SharePoint installed server. i want to search  for searchkeyword from this SharedFolder location also. i.e i want to crawl filesystem and display search results from SharedFolder location


1. First create one Shared Folder location.

2. Now Open Central Administration , Click on Manage Service applications which is under Application Management

3. Click on Search Service Application from the list of Services.

4. Click on Content Sources which is listed under Crawling on left side of the page.

5. Click on New Content Source.

6. Specify New Content Source Title(FileSysSearch), Content Source Type (select File Shares), Start Addresses (\\udaykumarreddy\SharedFolder from step1), and check Start Full Crawl.Now Click on "OK".

Note if you want to schedule full or incremental crawl , can schedule by click on "Create Schedule".

7. Full crawl will start and takes few minutes times.

8. After completion of crawl we can check crawl is completed successfully or not. Click on "Crawl Log" under Crawling

9. Now click on Scopes which is under "Queries and Results".

10. Click on New Scope

11. Specify Scope Title and Description.Then Click on "OK".

12. Now it display all scopes and for the newly created scope we need to add rule, so click on "Add rules".

13. Specify Scope rule type(as Content Socure), Content Source(select Content Source name from dropdown), and Click on "OK".

14. After adding rule it will takes maximum 15 minutes time to this search scope available in search results.

15. Now Go to your site, Site Actions-->Site Settings.

16. Click on Search Scopes which is under Site collection Administration.

17. Click on Display group.

18. Click on Search Dropdown in Display group page.

19. by default newly added scopes are not checked. so select your scope and check.

20. Now click on "Advanced Search".

21. by default newly added scopes are not checked. so select your scope and check.

22. Now go to your site , select your scope from the search dropdown and specify search keyword in text box then press enter.

23. Now search result page will display search results based on search keyword.

That's it..