Niyazi Toros
I want to create a Master Detail (ex: Customer & Order Details) MVC 5 page. My problem is that I have to use only VS2015 Community edition and I am not allow to use any js for this project.
I red few articles that I can create what I want as long as I am using SQL SP. Some kind of web api they used.
I am using 4.5 and MVC 5. Does anyone have any quick solution for this? Or how can I use SQL SP to build master detail MVC 5 page?
As shown below, simply is that in OrderDetailsTable I need "SELECT" button next to Edit, Details and Delete as: Select | Edit | Details | Delete
When I press the select button than opens the Order Details table. The Order Details Table must have only Edit | Details | Delete buttons.
Then my View I need to show Customer Table and below I need to show my Order Details Table.
Here is my sample table.
CustomerId Name Surname DateOfBirth
OrderDetails Table
OrderId CustomerId ProductName Price Unit Total
Kind Regards