Dear, Alli've the pleasure to join the problem that i face it i'm using 2010 and connect to visualfox pro database i connect successfully and i can retrieve and manipulate data successfully my problem is the following i want the user to select column name from checkedlistbox if the user select an item it will be add automatically in the datagrid and if it deselect it it will remove from the datagrid and the select statement which fill the datagrid depend on the selected column ?as example if the checklistbox contains (title,information,category,keywords) and the datagrid contains (filename,checkbox) at design time if the user at run -time select from the checklistbox title,information these 2 items add automatically to the datagrid then when he click ok these 2 items will be on the grid then in the form there is a search button when the user click on search the sql statement which fill the datagrid will generate differently according to the column selected how to acheive this goal
2-if i had a checkedlistbox which contain the code and name when the user select it the code will be inserted in the lblcode and the name will be inserted in a textbox as example say the the checkedlistbox contain the following
LstForms.Items.Add("" & "R" & " " & "Forms")LstForms.Items.Add("" & "L" & " " & " Letters")
LstForms.Items.Add("" & "A" & " " & "Official forms from authorities")
LstForms.Items.Add("" & "O" & " " & "Forms from other sources")
LstForms.Items.Add("" & "?" & " " & "All Types") so in this case lblcode will be R but name will be in textbox as "Forms" so how can i get it