
How to detect changes in values in the datagridview cells

Shomen Deb

Shomen Deb

Nov 4 2008 12:03 AM
I want to detect changes in values in cells. but it is not working. I have given the code. private void dataGridView1_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { Int32 selectedCellCount = dataGridView1.GetCellCount(DataGridViewElementStates.Selected); if (selectedCellCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < selectedCellCount; i++) { row = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[i].RowIndex; col = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[i].ColumnIndex; } } //MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(this.dataGridView1[row, col].Value)); this.dataGridView1.CurrentCell = this.dataGridView1[col + 1, row]; int a = Convert.ToInt32(this.dataGridView1[col, row].Value); int b = Convert.ToInt32(this.dataGridView1[col - 1, row].Value); this.dataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value = a * b; } Please give me solution regarding this problem Regards, Shomen Deb

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