Hello, I created two forms: a login form, and a main form that is displayed when I start debugging.
when loading the main form the login form also loaded.
Now my question is, I want to disable the main form when the login form is loaded.
if the connection is successful, the main form must be enabled, otherwise it should be disabled.
I tried this code :
MainFrm .cs :
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
c.Enabled = false;
Connectez ConnectezFrm = new Connectez { TopMost = true, Owner = this };
Connectez.cs :
private MainFrm objMainfrm { get; set; }
public Connectez(MainFrm objfrm)
objMainfrm = objfrm;
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Control c in objMainfrm.Controls)
c.Enabled = true;