There is a web page and I would like to get a value from this page. In this page there is a div (GroupFooterSection1) and inside of this div there are couple of divs. I would like to get the divs at the very rightside of this div.
Here is the sample div at right side: I would like to get the value with bold red.
How can I accomplish this via console or forms app?
Best Regards.
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%">
<TD noWrap align=right><SPAN class=fcf1202c27-f6e4-4b11-9320-ff23aa2bd953-2><A href="javascript:__doPostBack('rptPreview$ctl04','name%253dSumofDEBITAMN1%2526drillname%253d0.00%2526brch%253d0%2526gnpath%253d%25252fGRP%25255b0.00%25255d')" target=_self><SPAN class=fcf1202c27-f6e4-4b11-9320-ff23aa2bd953-2> 683,979.38</SPAN></A></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY>