
How to frame the logic and write to ouput text file based on the following conditions?

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I have some formats like:
1. T_414_A,T_416_B/T_444_C/XX/YY
2. XX/YY
3. T_412_A/XX/YY/'asas' etc etc

where i have all T_number_alpha formats in an array.

I get a string in any of the formats stated above, which i need to split based on "/" delimiter and check if it matches with the array which i told above if it matches i should write "00"(if it is of type T_number_alpha) to a string and if its XX i should append "10" to the same string then if its YY then i should "11" to the same string and finally i should convert that to hex and write to output text file.
Response at the earliest would me appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

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