How To Get Printer Path in ASP.NET
I have developed a new system using .NET 2003 . my problem now is, i have create one modules Printing Cheque, on my web page have :-
1) Dropdownlist --> ddlPrinter
2) Button ---> btnPrint
--> when user want to print a cheque, they will choose a printer name that have listing in ddlPrinter. I used this coding to get printer name that connect on server.
For Each strPrinter In PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
ddlPrinter.Items.Add(New ListItem(strPrinter))
Next strPrinter
and it's works.
--> this is my problem, when user clik printer name and click btnPrint, i don't know how to get printer path that user choose, and make it work.
anybody please help me....