
How to handle selectedIndex changed throws an exception?

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petre ricardo

petre ricardo


Hi friend,
The following code here:
Dont worry about sytactical errors....

public partial class frmSimulateStacking : Form
frmSimulateStacking fSimStacking;
Product myProduct;
public frmSimulateStacking()
//soon after the init
private void frmSimulateStacking_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//cmbProdNumber.SelectedIndex = -1;
DataTable dt = Product.GetAllProductCodes();
cmbProdNumber.DataSource = dt;
cmbProdNumber.DisplayMember =
cmbProdNumber.ValueMember =
myProduct =
new Product();
private void cmbProdNumber_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//not coded
if (cmbProdNumber.Items.Count != 0)
List<string> lstCollection = myProduct.GetProductNameByCode(cmbProdNumber.Text);
foreach (string item in lstCollection)
tbxProdName.Text = item;

at form load the combox will be loaded with a datatable of Product Codes. what i need to load is the according product name to the textbox. User selects a Product code from the drop down and it will fecth a Product name of that Product code from the database at formload() i need to set the SelectedIndex of the combox to -1 .... only when the user selects the a product code from the drop down it loaded product name to the textbox...
the problem that im facing is that, when form loads, it throws an error as:


How do i fix this error?