
How to import excel file to sql by clicking a button in c#

Benjamin Cabrera

Benjamin Cabrera

Jan 22 2015 11:25 PM
Hi guys. 
I am new in this forum and i need an answer on my problem. How am I going to import an excel file to my database(SQL) by just clicking a button in C# windows form Application. I have read so many articles and all of them are saying about SqlBulkCopy. I tried one which is inserted in a class file but I do not know on how to call it to my button for it to import an excel file. Can anyone help me? below is thecode that I found:
public void importdatafromexcel(string excelfilepath)
//declare variables - edit these based on your particular situation
string ssqltable = "tdatamigrationtable";
// make sure your sheet name is correct, here sheet name is sheet1, so you can change your sheet name if have
string myexceldataquery = "select student,rollno,course from [sheet1$]";
//create our connection strings
string sexcelconnectionstring = @"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" + excelfilepath +
";extended properties=" + "\"excel 8.0;hdr=yes;\"";
string ssqlconnectionstring = "server=BENJ\\SQLEXPRESS;user id=sa;password=aspire4736z;database=ComputerizedEnrollmentSystem;connection reset=false";
//execute a query to erase any previous data from our destination table
string sclearsql = "delete from " + ssqltable;
SqlConnection sqlconn = new SqlConnection(ssqlconnectionstring);
SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand(sclearsql, sqlconn);
//series of commands to bulk copy data from the excel file into our sql table
OleDbConnection oledbconn = new OleDbConnection(sexcelconnectionstring);
OleDbCommand oledbcmd = new OleDbCommand(myexceldataquery, oledbconn);
OleDbDataReader dr = oledbcmd.ExecuteReader();
SqlBulkCopy bulkcopy = new SqlBulkCopy(ssqlconnectionstring);
bulkcopy.DestinationTableName = ssqltable;
while (dr.Read())
catch (Exception ex)
//handle exception

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